Instagram has a secret weapon – Instagram Stories Here are a few tips to create amazing user stories to
embellish you Instagram business profile page.
A Sneak Peek of “Day in the Life” of Your Business
You can use a combo of still photographs and videos to show an interesting peek into day-to-day happenings at your workplace.
Shake hands with Your Facebook Live Broadcast
Post an Instagram story to notify your audience about your Facebook Live broadcast and watch the viewer stats ramp up.
Turn Your Blog Content Into Mini-articles
Put together short, condensed and interesting how to articles on DIY, Productivity ideas in an easy to digest format.
Capture a Story of Your Product in Action
Post an Instagram story to notify your audience about your Facebook Live broadcast and watch the viewer stats ramp up.
Its Time to Celebrate a Milestone
Create an engaging story to highlight your company events and milestones by combining quick interviews, fun time and memes.
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